Wednesday, January 23, 2008


karma is swirling. my camera has resurfaced.
what the heck is next?

i'll tell you:
Me & Riley's Game

remember boxers, slanters, stemmers, and all that dodgy garb?
above is a pixelated albeit visible prototype for an accordion-fold style set of directions. the game involves one set of dealt cards, another set that determine the card you pick from a third (boxed) set that have pictures! neat. rage on.

I will post a better description of the game play later today, but basically we have swayed away from suits and traditional card games for something
less ordinary and more along the lines of scattagory (sp.), apples to apples and some game with pictures...

dig this:

this color scheme is by no means permanent, but i just really have a thing for peptobismol.
oh. and riley plays with himself. also, that isn't our font. damns. but it's coming along.

we are toying with colors and riley is breaking my streak of using PNW hues.

oppppppppp shadow

experiments in colour.

army greens (?)



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